Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Fri, 1 Dec - Our Christmas Tree is Up!

$plurge Weekend Part 1

Cheryl circles the dates on her wall calendar everyday, so in the morning when she circled 1st December, she said that we have to set up the Christmas tree today. So as soon as we returned from work that evening, she kept reminding us like a broken record about setting up the tree.

But we wanted to drop by IKEA Alexandra that evening because they were having their 4-day party in conjunction with the opening of IKEA Tampines and I wanted to buy some of the offer items. Being crowd-phobic, I was really glad IKEA was sprouting up at Tampines too... so now it can draw the crowds there! And amazingly fast too, how they get these malls up in less than 2 years (or is it one)? No more car queues snaking out of the Alexandra branch!

Yay, the shopping experience was a breeze without the crowds. First I joined their quiz contest...being the kiasu Singaporean, I filled up all forms in 4 different languages. We got cute mini blue IKEA bags for joining the contest. Quite cool, just like the big yellow shopping bags, just blue and much smaller. As we entered the store, the staff were handing out mini red heart-with-velcro-hands soft toys. Nice.
There isn't much of a play area at the children's section anymore, so the kids just had fun playing about in the various children room set-ups.
Isaac was literally testing out each bed! I wonder how often they change the sheets...but I think I'm better off not knowing!

Cheryl wanted to eat a hot dog,so we decided to make our way out. On the way I picked up 3 sets photo frames (UP $12.90, now $6.90), a clock with world globe design, an alarm clock, and 2 sets of AAA-sized batteries.

3 x Photo frames = $20.70
Wall clock = $4.90
Alarm clock = $1.90
2 x Battery packs = $10
Total = $37.50
(ok, not exactly a splurge, but big splurges got to start somewhere right? More Splurges in Parts 2 and 3)

When we reached home, Cheryl started her broken record sequence again. So I had no choice but to lug out the box from the top of the bookcase. The 5-ft tree was up in 15 min. Isaac must be thinking: "So this is how trees grow!" Must remember to explain to him one day! It was already quite late, so we shoo-ed the kids off to bed and promised that we would put up the lights while they were asleep.

I got lazy this year, so I asked TT to string the lights round the tree. Tree lights are most troublesome to set-up, but I do think they are much nicer than those trees with fibre lights. TT also helped me put up the silver and white baubles. I just admired from afar... After setting up the tree every year, it's time for me to take a break.hehe I helped sweep the area around the tree as it's quite dusty after all the setting up.

We left the rest of the decorations for the kids to put up the next morning. These are just small bear toys that can be easily placed on the tree branches. This is a reluctant Isaac posing beside the Christmas tree! Yeah, we have a beary nice christmas tree! :)

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