Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Fri, 27 Oct - Cheryl's Full Dress Rehearsal

I took leave today to attend Cheryl's full dress rehearsal for her school concert. In the morning I helped her put on some makeup while my maid tied up her hair. I took this photo of her before she went to school. Unfortunately, the school disallowed us to take photos while they were performing as they had paid professional photographers to do the job. So we have to go buy those photos at $1 each later on . I had wanted to take some shots and video for TT to see, since he cannot attend the actual concert the next week. My mum, maid and Isaac also came to have a look at Cheryl's performance. We could see that Cheryl was rather shy and maybe a bit self-concious because she knew we were present. But anyway everything went rather smoothly though I thought the whole thing was really boring and not as professional as the concert put up by my sis' kids' kindy.

At night, we decided to take the kids for a ride in a double-decker bus. We took Bus 111 (and sat at the upper deck) to Toys R Us at Forum Galleria. There we bought a large Doodle Pro board for the kids as our old magnetic doodle board was rusty and very difficult to erase. The kids enjoyed the bus trip so much they asked us to take a bus back home again (TT had wanted to take a cab because the bus stop was quite a distance away). So in the end we walked all the way to the bus stop just to satisfy the kids. They got to sit at the upper deck again at the front, which was a real treat for them. It's ironic that the kids enjoy taking public transport so much even though they have the luxury of riding in their own car. They don't get to go on buses or trains often, so taking public transport is definitely a more interesting experience for Isaac, who is currently obsessed with mass transportation.

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