Thursday, July 17, 2008

Simple Pleasures

I'm back!

I wrote this entry simply because it's one of those simple things that make me smile. This is a picture of a small potted plant we have outside our flat. I've never really kept plants because I always think they attract all kinds of funny insects. We got this plant when I signed Cheryl up for a plant workshop at the Botanic Gardens during the recent June holidays. One of the activities was to do some planting in a pot and they could bring their plant back. Cheryl's pot had a combination of two different common household plants. I don't know what they're called. I've already removed all the decorations (some colourful pipe cleaners). We never really paid much attention to it, just water and spray it once in a while. But apparently it appears to be thriving quite well. Just about a week ago, something like a bud appeared. While waiting for this one to bloom, we actually discovered another tiny flower nearby that was also blooming. Then about 2 days ago, the bud bloomed. So now we have two tiny pretty red flowers! Actually makes me want to buy some more plants... (I'm looking for low-maintenance-but-with-nice-flowers kinda plants :oP)

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