Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Thursday, July 27 - Black Pepper Crabs

Took leave from work on Thursday, Jul 27, so that we could celebrate Cheryl's actual birthday with her classmates at school. Packed 20 or so goody bags the night before. After my breakfast of chee cheong fun (see Personal Favourites in my previous blog) at Alexandra Village, we picked Cheryl up and went to Tiong Bahru Plaza to get a cake. We wanted to redeem our Bengawan Solo 1st month cake cards given to us by our friends. Cheryl chose a blackforest cake.

After the celebration at school, TT & I had teochew porridge for lunch at a Henderson coffee shop. Wah, the heat was terrible! Then TT dropped me off at IKEA because I wanted to check out sale (nothing much though). In the evening, my sister's kids popped by for a swim while we adults went to have a meal black pepper crabs. It was also to celebrate my birthday which is on July 31. We went to the famous crab place... Eng Seng Restaurant located at the junction of Still Road and Joo Chiat Place. TT went ahead first to get a table and order the food first because we could only reach there at 6.20pm. (Go there early to avoid queueing or waiting. 5pm if you can, or else 5.30 to 6pm). This is our favourite spot for black pepper crab. It didn't disappoint! The other food was so-so. If you intend to try the crabs, please read this other blog for a comprehensive guide on this place (it's written by someone also called Karen also, but it's not me, and I don't know her). And contrary to newspaper reports, the boss who served us was very polite (maybe because we were settling the bill).

Later we had teh tarik at the muslim shop opposite... bleah... quite tasteless...

Personal Favourites
Black Pepper Crabs (First Grade Seafood Place at Eng Seng Restaurant)

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